April 11, 2012

Dalai Lama Moon ~ Communist China Bans The Moon

image by nomindwave

This story would be laughable, were it not so harshly true.  The young man who saw the Dalai Lama's image in the moon, has been made 'missing', a euphemism for imprisoned, tortured, killed . . .  

China's arrogance and its ignorance is displayed for all the world to see and to know.


Tibetan arrested for sighting His Holiness’ vision in moon

The Chinese government has forbidden Tibetans living in Tibet from keeping their most-revered spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama's photos in homes, monasteries, to name a few. An act of defiance from Tibetans definitely leave them in facing the inevitable consequences.

But now, for Tibetans, even seeking just a vision of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in the moon has become an punishable act.

A report coming out of Tibet say Phurbu Namgyal, a 20-year-old youth from Lhundup district near Tibet's capital Lhasa, saw reflection of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in the moon recently.

He confided his experience to his friends while working together at a club house in Lhasa. He told them that if someone gazes at the night sky one can see His Holiness the Dalai Lama in the moon. All of them then started looking at the sky to see the vision outside the club. The police from the public security bureau knew about this and arbitrarily picked up Phurbu Namgyal alleging him for committing an illegal act.

His whereabouts and well-being remain unknown.