April 11, 2012

Dalai Lama Moon ~ Communist China Bans The Moon

image by nomindwave

This story would be laughable, were it not so harshly true.  The young man who saw the Dalai Lama's image in the moon, has been made 'missing', a euphemism for imprisoned, tortured, killed . . .  

China's arrogance and its ignorance is displayed for all the world to see and to know.


Tibetan arrested for sighting His Holiness’ vision in moon

The Chinese government has forbidden Tibetans living in Tibet from keeping their most-revered spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama's photos in homes, monasteries, to name a few. An act of defiance from Tibetans definitely leave them in facing the inevitable consequences.

But now, for Tibetans, even seeking just a vision of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in the moon has become an punishable act.

A report coming out of Tibet say Phurbu Namgyal, a 20-year-old youth from Lhundup district near Tibet's capital Lhasa, saw reflection of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in the moon recently.

He confided his experience to his friends while working together at a club house in Lhasa. He told them that if someone gazes at the night sky one can see His Holiness the Dalai Lama in the moon. All of them then started looking at the sky to see the vision outside the club. The police from the public security bureau knew about this and arbitrarily picked up Phurbu Namgyal alleging him for committing an illegal act.

His whereabouts and well-being remain unknown.


March 20, 2012

Nearly 30 now in Tibet have self-immolated, most died - many who were clubbed and doused by Chinese police are "whereabouts unknown".

The Chinese government (which occupied Tibet in 1959) denies them the free practice of their religion. There are shootings of peaceful protesters, many 'disappear' or are imprisioned, tortured...other human rights are denied and their culture and language are being obliterat

In the most poignant way, Tibetans are remarkable
and gentle people who are Buddhists whose practice is
founded on ahimsa (no-harm).

The Chinese government calls them terrorists.

They say the Dalai Lama is evil.

Now, on this first day of spring,

3 Tibetans who came to New York on February 22nd
to ask the Secretary General of the United Nations to hear their plea
 - to allow a U.N. fact finding mission into Tibet, lie near death after not eating for
28 days.



March 09, 2012

March 10 Uprising Tibet 2012

May the world unite
with hearts, brains & hands
to help Tibetans.

May all beings be free and happy.

SEE VIDEO by the ITN *

Solidarity and Resistance:  A Statement by the
Global Tibet Movement

* International Tibet Network:  http://www.tibetnetwork.org/ 



March 07, 2012

W A V E ~ ~ ~ World Action by a Voice for Everyone 3~7~12

WAVE acronym for World Action by a Voice for Everyone

for all social actions conducted via social networks

Let Freedom WAVE

February 26, 2012


The paradox of awareness is very profound, and yet very simple.

It can't be described because it has no objective qualities, and no limitation.

Sometimes it comes naturally to the surface when we are fully in the present moment and no longer lost in thought or mental projections.

Pure consciousness is neither high nor low, neither pleasant nor unpleasant, neither good nor bad.

No matter where we are, no matter what we are doing, we always have an immediate access to that inner stillness.

It can be experienced in an instant in all circumstances once we know how to pay attention to it.

It is utterly peaceful and it is also insightful, so it sees through all illusions.

Whenever there is a moment of being deluded, we can use that moment to practice settling in the very perfect sphere of the Buddha mind without trying to change anything.

When we reside in that liberated mind, we find the very thing we have been seeking all along.

"The more awake we become, the more compassion will flow freely.

Its quality is like water, gentle and soothing.

At the same time, it has awesome power.

It is the flowering of our consciousness.

It allows us to connect deeply to others, to the point where the concept of separation loses all of its meaning."

—from The Magic of Awareness

February 23, 2012

tsunami wreckage

shore to shore
no more
between us

"There is no excuse for what we have done"

moshi wake gozaimasen


~ TEPCO President in apology for the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster.

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February 21, 2012


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Lobsang Jamyang

"An educated and active member of the community of Andu area in Ngaba, and an ex-monk of Adu Monastery, Lobsang Jamyang is the latest to resort to self-immolation in protest against Chinese rule in Tibet, and for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

On January 14th, in the heavily controlled region of Ngaba, Lobsang entered a public toilet near a busy intersection and doused himself in petrol. He proceeded to set himself alight, and walked to the nearby street, calling for the long life of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and for freedom in Tibet.

Lobsang was a known active member of the ‘Tibetan Mother Language' programme, which trained and assisted with the Tibetan language in the region, however was regularly intimidated for his activist role by Chinese authorities.

The self-immolation of Lobsang led to a large public demonstration in the area, calling for his release. It has emerged that his death came two days later on January 16th, under Chinese custody, and the demonstration witnessed serious injuries and possible deaths on behalf of the Tibetans, who were fired upon and beaten by Chinese security forces."

[excerpt from]

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Tibet Burning

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January 12, 2012

Tibet Links
