March 20, 2012

Nearly 30 now in Tibet have self-immolated, most died - many who were clubbed and doused by Chinese police are "whereabouts unknown".

The Chinese government (which occupied Tibet in 1959) denies them the free practice of their religion. There are shootings of peaceful protesters, many 'disappear' or are imprisioned, tortured...other human rights are denied and their culture and language are being obliterat

In the most poignant way, Tibetans are remarkable
and gentle people who are Buddhists whose practice is
founded on ahimsa (no-harm).

The Chinese government calls them terrorists.

They say the Dalai Lama is evil.

Now, on this first day of spring,

3 Tibetans who came to New York on February 22nd
to ask the Secretary General of the United Nations to hear their plea
 - to allow a U.N. fact finding mission into Tibet, lie near death after not eating for
28 days.


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